Monday, March 5, 2012

Tattle Tale

I don't know where in the DNA it's encoded but for some reason kids have this inate NEED to tattle.  It's NEVER one is ever in's about lame, insignificant details...usually to benefit themselves.  It's also usually about someone their OWN age...not the's her mission to out me on almost everything.

Case and point:
I went and ate lunch with Casserole a few weeks ago...exiting the bathroom I see one of her classmates....

"Hi Lilly"
"How did you know my name?"
"I'm Taytum's mom...Becca"
"Oh, yeah!!! Taytum told me you swear at her"
"Oh...I don't...she made that up"

Fast Forward to Taytum getting home from school

"God dammit Taytum, why the hell did you tell Lilly I swear at you?!?!"  Hahahaa kidding....but I did ask her why she told her friend that I swear at her...

"Because you do"
"Not everyday!"

Hahaa....make sure when your kid starts talking enforce the "What happens at home stays at home" law...or I guess just don't swear at them...but good luck with that!

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