Monday, November 26, 2012

Doogie Tot

The Tot has known for quite awhile that she wants to be a nurse when she grows up....or a teacher....or a vet....or a famous person....but mostly a nurse.  If she sticks to this....consider this your warning to never need her care.

As a reminder of an old post....when Tay was 5 she decided she wanted to be a nurse for this reason:  To give people shots. (She had just gotten 5 shots for her check up : / )  I HAD good hopes that her future dream of being a nurse would evolve from wanting to help heal people....NOT quite there yet.

We were watching "Monsters Inside Me"'s as creepy as it sounds and it's on the Animal Planet--weirder.  Basically it's a show on freak/rare medical conditions.  The episode we were watching involved a young woman that ended up hospitalized and while hospitalized slipped into a coma.  The scene cuts to two nurses trying to gently awaken the patient by rocking her and pinching her fingers.  Doogie Tot was pretty into the show and yells out (while shaking her head in disapproval)  "SLAP HER!!!  TASE HER!!!!" 

Sooooo needless to say...I'm stearing her in the path of becoming a teacher...

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